The 50ies – Second part
Bormio in the 50ies
anni ’50: “”Valtellina turistica e commerciale” (Ed. 1960), a tourist publication of the time, underlines how in those years in Bormio and its surroundings, the tourist-hotel industry is a business in constant growth. Also highlighted:
“The hydro-electric industry has created many artificial basins throughout the Bormio area that also contribute to embellish the landscape. The complex of various power stations, connected by excellent roads, is impressive.
The work to carry out new projects continues. ”
La rivista sottolinea inoltre la qualità dei prodotti caseari locali e della patata di
The magazine also stresses the quality of local dairy products and the Bormio’s potato, of which the excellent quality and its diffusion throughout the Lombard market is highlighted.
“In Bormio and in its area, there are many sawmills for the preparation of construction timber for carpenters and furniture makers, artisans in their up to date workshops, produce in quantity and quality for the needs of the area. There are laboratories for the manufacture and repair of skis, well-known and prized is the footwear for mountain and ski sports made by artisans. “(Source: “Valtellina turistica e commerciale” Ed. 1960).
It is easy, for the reader, to understand what was the positive energy of those years, the desire and ambition to build a new well-being with the consequent development. The renowned local occupations of the past are joined by new jobs and new opportunities almost unknown the previous decade. Even the town and its town planning are completely different from today, just think that at that time, Villa Ida was on the northern edge of the inhabited center of Bormio.
From the descriptions that follow it is clear that the Bormio Terme plant and the church of Santa Barbara, in the current “traffic lights area”, were located on the edge of the town and surrounded by pastures and grasslands.
The number of the guests in the hotel shows in itself that tourism is not yet a mass one and also the travel to reach Bormio is troublesome. Carts and sledges have not yet completely disappeared from the roads and, despite the emphasis with which they are described, the roads built for hydroelectric plants and the ways of communication are still far from being those that we know today, albeit with many draw backs.
To the “Boschetti d’Adda”: (30 minutes).
Marked with a red triangle – Go past the Baths and take the country road below “the fountain of the bees”; it forks immediately: you have to follow the uphill branch; you go across prairies, then a gravelly soil, then again meadows; the path borders on an embankment and runs straight towards the Adda river. You only have to go down the thick slope and find an oasis of peace and quiet recesses. The enthusiast, along the small stream that crosses the descent, will be able to find some specimens of that strange and very rare orchid, called “Pantofola di Venere” (Cipripendium Calceolus).
To “Santa Lucia”: (30 minutes).
– Take the country road that starts at the church of Santa Barbara and crosses an area of cultivated fields and meadows. Keep always the left at the forks. You can also reach Santa Lucia through the Alute prairie on the little road that runs along the left bank of the Frodolfo stream and that begins at the bridge of Eden. “(Source” Valtellina turistica e commerciale” Ed. 1960).
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