walk on a rainy day if properly equipped and on well-marked paths, it is possible to practice hiking and enjoy the beauties of nature in a different way; developing touch, hearing and smell to the maximum.

Can you walk on a rainy day?Consideration and advice

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. (Roger Miller)

Usually in the description of the itineraries I give particular importance to what our eyes can observe along the route and, as the attached photographs often show, I try to describe in a few words the grandiose landscapes of the Bormio area.

But what happens when the weather is inclement or when, deceived by a brilliant and illusory ray of sunshine, we find ourselves engulfed by an expected (or unexpected) storm? Cloudiness, rain and the high humidity of the ground can also drastically reduce visibility. The same goes for wind and air temperature.

These conditions, not uncommon in the mountains, do not discourage expert hikers because they are aware that even in these weather conditions, if properly equipped and on well-marked paths, it is possible to practice hiking and enjoy the beauties of nature in a different way; developing touch, hearing and smell to the maximum.

The eyesight, limited in scanning the horizon, is forced to give way to the other senses as is rarely the case on a clear sunny day. Walking in the woods on a rainy day is a unique experience. The atmospheric conditions exponentially amplify the scents of musks, essences and vegetation.

Distant noises, completely absorbed by the clouds, disappear and give way to muffled and apparently mysterious sounds such as the scraping of a squirrel or the flight of a bird. Immersed in the woods, on a rainy day, you can feel nature breathing.

Because the weather is neither good nor bad. Time is as it is! It is up to us to know how to enjoy the best aspects….

Precautions in case of fog

In conditions of strong fog, considering the probable complete absence of reference points, it can be very dangerous to continue beyond the wooded level.

In conditions of heavy fog it is not uncommon to completely lose your sense of direction, not even recognizing whether you are walking uphill or downhill.

In these cases, it is the hiker’s obligation to change their day plans and, if necessary, renounce the sought-after destination. In fact, it is always good to remember how futile and dangerous it is to insist and take unnecessary risks in doing today what can be done safely tomorrow.


As you will have understood, I firmly believe that hiking on a rainy day is not only possible but also a pleasant opportunity. To enjoy this type of activity, I would offer you the following advice:

  • Stay on popular and well-marked paths, possibly with telephone coverage;
  • Do not go beyond the altitude of the woodland or cross long stretches without clear reference points located at a short distance;
  • Use Gore-tex shoes with a good notched sole;
  • Use a good quality Gore-tex jacket / shell. This garment is often quite expensive but for a hiker its purchase is certainly worth the price. The low weight, good breathability and wind resistance make this jacket a garment you won’t be able to do without.

A Gore-tex jacket and shoes will keep your feet and body dry for the duration of the excursion, giving you the opportunity to appreciate the environment in harmony and peace.

As already mentioned, please remember to pay close attention in the case of severe thunderstorms or weather warnings, avoiding the crossing of valleys and waterways during the meteorological event and for a reasonable period of time after the event.

Happy hiking!